Make sure you've set up everything required to successfully build a competency profile survey
In this article:
- Create or customize library content
- Build job descriptions
- Create user accounts
- Customize email messages
- Set up cycles (only for advanced)
Create or customize library content
A CompetencyCore survey is a list of competencies. You’ll be selecting competencies from Libraries to compile this list. Make sure your site has published competencies you can add to your survey.
Build job descriptions
If you’re collecting input for core competencies, the jobs on your site don’t need to be set up. For job family surveys, set up a job group in order to specify which group the survey results apply to. For job specific, first create and publish a job.
Create user accounts
To contribute to a survey, employees needs accounts to access CompetencyCore, but they don’t need to be in a position. Check out the Add new users article to learn more.
Customize email messages
Use defaults we provide or create your own by following the steps in the Manage content documents article. Make sure to save new documents in the Survey Documents category and select them in Settings (Click the gear icon > Settings > Surveys).
Set up cycles (only for advanced)
We offer two types of competency profile surveys. Basic surveys have one due date for contributors. Advanced surveys require the administrator to select a cycle, set due dates for each stage, and choose which group of participants can access the survey during each stage. We recommend using basic, which automates all of these decisions. If you are using Advanced, you can use the Profiling Cycle we provide, customize the Profiling Cycle, or create your own.