Manage languages

Learn how to create and customize languages used to build job descriptions

In this article:

About languages

Languages are a type of library item. These library items can be added to an optional Languages category on job descriptions. You can: 

  • Add the same language to as many job descriptions as you’d like.
  • Create languages directly on a job.
  • Add descriptive text around languages on a job.
  • Customize a scale to define the level of language required on a job.
  • Add equivalent languages on a job.
  • Rename the “Languages” library type. Learn more

Creating languages in libraries

Language is stored in groups and sub-groups in the Languages library. You might place all languages in one group, or divide them into groups. Languages can be created and managed in Libraries, but Jobs is where they’re used. When you’re building a job description, you can add languages from the Languages library.

To create a languages group or sub-group

  1. Navigate to Content > Libraries.
  2. Select Languages in the drop-down at the top of the page.
  3. Click Create and select Group.
  4. Leave (Create as top level group) selected or select a parent group and click Next.
  5. Enter a group name and click Save.

To create languages

  1. Navigate to Content > Libraries.
  2. Select Languages in the drop-down at the top of the page.
  3. Click Create and select Language.
  4. Select a group to place them in and click Next.
  5. Type in or paste a language such as “English” or “French”.
  6. Press Enter on your keyboard to create a new line that’s treated as a separate item. If you paste a list, each bullet is a separate item. This means you can paste content copied from other formats like Microsoft Word to create those items all at once.
  7. Click Save Draft or Publish. Only published items can be added to jobs.

Tip: Once created, point to an item, click the 3-dot icon, and select Edit to open a new window where you can enter translations if more than one language is installed.

Adding languages to jobs

To add languages from the library to a job

  1. Navigate to Content > Jobs.
  2. Click a job title in the Jobs table.
  3. If published, click Edit to create a draft copy.
  4. Click the plus icon.
  5. Click the search icon or use the # keyboard shortcut to search.
  6. Click the folder icon to browse.
  7. Select a library and group in the filters.
  8. Select the items to add and close the window.
  9. Click the check mark to save.

To create languages on a job

  1. Navigate to Content > Jobs.
  2. Click a job title in the Jobs table.
  3. If published, click Edit to create a draft copy.
  4. Click the plus icon and start typing, or paste a list of requirements.
  5. Highlight each language and click the + folder icon to identify these as library items.
  6. Click the check mark to save. New items are created in the Uncategorized library group.

Note: Unlike other library types that allow descriptive text, languages in a sentence are not identified as library items by our AI. You’ll need to designate library items manually.

Defining languages on jobs

To add descriptive text

Language can include descriptive text to make the job more informative and readable. Words you’ve identified as library items are underlined in blue. Descriptive text has no underline.

  1. Click a language that you’ve added to the job.
  2. Type a phrase like “Needs to speak fluently in” before or after the item.
  3. Click the check mark to save.

To select language levels

You can define the level of a language requirement as Limited working proficiency, Professional working proficiency, Native or bilingual proficiency, etc. To make changes to these level options, check out the Manage scales article.

  1. Add a language to the job.
  2. Click the check mark to save.
  3. Click the properties icon.
  4. Select a level and click Done.

To make language items equivalent

In some cases, two items might satisfy the same job requirement.

  1. Add two or more languages on the same line.
  2. Click the check mark to save.
  3. Click the properties icon.
  4. Select the Equivalent items checkbox and click Done.

Managing languages

To edit, clone, move, publish, archive, or delete languages

  1. Navigate to Content > Libraries.
  2. Select Languages in the drop-down at the top of the page.
  3. Point to an item and click the 3-dot icon OR
  4. Select multiple items and click Actions.
  • Edit: Opens a window to edit the item. Choose how to apply your changes to jobs.
  • Clone: Copies the item as a draft named with the prefix “Copy of…”.
  • Move: Opens a window to select a different group or sub-group. Items cannot be placed directly in groups that also have sub-groups.
  • Publish: Makes the item available to add to jobs; it can no longer be deleted.
  • Archive: Removes the item from libraries and from jobs. If you archive from the 3-dot icon, you can use version control so the item remains on published jobs but is removed from draft copies. If you archive in bulk, jobs are updated without version control.
  • Delete: Permanently removes the item from your site; only drafts can be deleted.

To restore archived languages

  1. Navigate to Content > Libraries.
  2. Click the 3-dot icon on the top right of the page.
  3. Select Archived Items in the drop-down.
  4. Select Languages in the drop-down at the top of the page.
  5. Point to an item, click the 3-dot icon, and select Restore.
  6. Select a group to place the item and click Restore OR
  7. Select multiple items and click Actions. Select Restore and click OK to confirm.

Note: Items restored in bulk are returned to their original group, but they’re not returned to jobs where they were included before being archived.