How do assessment results update user profiles?

Learn how in-depth and snapshot assessment results affect competencies and proficiency levels on the subject's profile

Note: If validation is on, self-assessments (dispatched or self-initiated) have no effect on profile. If validation is off, dispatched self-assessments update user profiles in the same way as other dispatch types as described below, and users performing self-assessments they’ve initiated can choose to update their profile with the results.

When dispatching an assessment, the administrator can choose: 

  • Control release: The subject’s profile is not updated until the administrator chooses to share the results. Check out the Dispatch assessments article to learn more.
  • Publish immediately: The subject’s profile is updated as soon as all of the participants have completed the assessment.

Once assessment results are shared, here is how each type affects the subject’s profile:

In-depth assessments

Rated at or above target: Any competencies not already on the subject’s profile are added. If a competency is already on their profile, it’s only updated if the level on the job being assessed is higher than the level set on profile.

Rated below target: The competency is not added to profile. If a competency is already on the subject’s profile, the level is not lowered and the competency is not removed.

Snapshot assessments

Any competencies not already on the subject’s profile are added. If a competency is already on their profile, it’s only updated if the assessment rating is higher than the level set on profile.