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  2. Getting Started
  3. Getting Started for End Users

A tour for new users

Learn how to navigate some important spots in CompetencyCore

In this article:

Main menu

Access the different areas of CompetencyCore in a menu across the top of the screen. Depending on your permissions, you might see additional pages in a drop-down when you hover over a menu item. You can always click Home to return to your dashboard.

Navigating CompetencyCore


An indicator appears on the bell icon when there’s a new task to complete or an update about a task you’re a part of. For example, you might receive a notification to sign off on your job description or to complete an assessment. Click the bell icon to view a notification with a link to the task so you can get started or review changes right away.

Checking your notifications


Click the list icon to access a complete list of the assessments, surveys, goals, and other tasks assigned to you. Check out the Keep track of your tasks article to learn more. 

Viewing your tasks

Personal menu

Click your profile picture on the top right of your screen to open your personal menu.

  • Product Updates: Check out our release notes and announcements.
  • Account: Make changes to your profile picture, username, password, or contact details.
  • Settings: Customize your email notifications, language, and time zone.
  • Notifications: View updates about tasks you’re participating in or tasks to complete.
  • Attachments: View and manage all of the files you’ve uploaded.
  • Privacy Statement: Read our Privacy Statement and learn how your data is used.
  • Logout: Log out of your account. Closing your browser also logs you out of your account.

Accessing your personal menu