What's the difference between dispatch and quick dispatch?

Learn how to choose a dispatch option when you're sending assessments to a group of participants

Choose Dispatch for more flexibility or Quick Dispatch if you’re sending several different assessments. 


  • Send one assessment at a time.
  • This option provides more flexibility when selecting participants. For example, you can control which user is selected as the manager on the assessment, regardless of their position in your org structure.
  • Customize the emails sent to participants on the final step of the dispatch.
  • Send self, manager-only, 180˚, or 360˚ dispatches using this option.

Quick Dispatch

  • Send multiple assessments in one go. This is a shortcut to use when you’re dispatching to users who are already associated to positions, jobs, and assessments.
  • Set up automatic reminders, which is a feature that’s not available on the regular dispatch.
  • Send self, manager-only, and 180˚ dispatches. 360˚ dispatches cannot be sent using Quick Dispatch.