Release notes: 2019-10-22

New features

View similar jobs: See a list of the top 5 most similar jobs on any job description.

Set passwords in bulk: Set passwords for users in bulk so you can dispatch validation surveys and assessments without waiting for users to set their own passwords.


Library updates: We've simplified the interface in Libraries and reduced the number of pages so competencies, responsibilities, and other library items are easy to manage. We've also optimized load times so you can quickly access libraries containing thousands of items.

Job info: We've added the last published date and publisher name to the Info section on jobs.


  • Fixed the font colour of manual titles on the View Manuals page.
  • Changed the Update Jobs window when editing library items to match the process in Jobs.
  • Fixed cloned jobs so responsibility section headers are no longer blank before publishing.
  • Updated the title of cloned jobs so "Copy of" is at the end instead of the beginning. Cloned jobs are easier to search for and they are listed next to their original job in the Jobs table.
  • Centered the confirmation window that appears when publishing a job description.
  • Fixed Career Paths so item-level security no longer restricts users from building a path.
  • Fixed the Discovery mode in Career Paths so you get a warning if you're profile is not at least 50% complete to explain why there are no match percentages on the jobs in the career path.
  • Removed the blank row below Responsibilities when viewing a job in Career Paths.
  • Fixed the remove icon in Validation surveys so it's not overlapping the Approve checkbox.
  • Added padding below the Next button in the Create Job/Job Group windows.
  • Aligned the checkmark and close icons beside the name fields in the Create User overlay.