Release notes: 2018-06-07

New features

Smart groups

Create a temporary collection of library items: Add items from across groups in a library to a smart group. Smart groups allow administrators to create a custom list of items without reorganizing their libraries. They can be used for all library types.

Manage regular and smart groups: Added a filter to switch between regular and smart groups on the Manage page. Create smart groups and add items to them from both the View and Manage pages.

Export smart groups: Implemented the functionality to export smart groups to Microsoft Word.

Control access: Added a permission to view/create smart groups and one to manage all smart groups.



Faster performance: Improved the load times when performing actions in the Libraries module. 

Easier navigation

  • Added a quick link to the Manage page from the View page and vice versa.
  • Create library groups from the View page so you don't have to navigate to the Manage page.
  • Made the back arrow on the Manage page return you to your previous location.
  • Added a link in the competency preview on the Manage page that opens the View page.

Feedback improvements: Improved the clarity of the confirmation message when cloning and added an alert to indicate that the library was successfully cloned.

UI improvements

  • Made general styling updates for consistency.
  • Included a count of the items in a library group beside its name on the Manage page. 
  • Added a disabled eye icon beside disabled items when Show Disabled is turned on.
  • Renamed the Manage Library Content page to Library Content Management.

UX improvements

  • Added options to individual groups and items on the Manage page to match the bulk actions.
  • Placed newly created library items at the top instead of the bottom of the Manage page.
  • Switched the text of Show Disabled to Hide Disabled once you've turned on this option.
  • Hid the Enable action on the Manage page if the library items you've selected are enabled.
  • Made the full library item text appear on hover if it's truncated in the Advanced Search. 

Profile & Career Path

Move up in your organization: Added a filter when viewing job matches so you can filter out jobs in levels below your current role.

Maintain privacy: If you set or change the level of a private item, it will remain private.

Feedback improvements

  • Added the number of vacant positions associated to a job. 
  • Added a warning message in Career Path when your current role is not associated to a level.
  • Made the warning message that "items require validation to contribute to job matches" appear once. It will only reappear when you add a new item that requires validation instead of stacking messages for each non-validated item on your profile and dismissing them one by one.

UI improvements

  • Increased the library type icon sizes on the Profile page.
  • Removed the Find your career path button from the Career Path page.

UX improvements

  • Clicking a job in the Job Matches widget will open the Job Description window.
  • Made some UX improvements to the side panel in Career Path.
  • Disabled the Validate buttons until a level is set so the workflow is clear.



  • Added a loading icon and disabled the Create button once to avoid duplicates.
  • Prevented an underlying page from refreshing if item creation has failed because of duplicates so it's clear that new items were not added.
  • Top aligned the behavioural indicators and notions in competencies so they're easy to scan.
  • Prevented disabled libraries from appearing on the Manage Libraries page if Show Disabled is turned off.

Profile & Career Path

  • Removed the old Job Matches widget that was linked to Inventory so only the new one appears.
  • Displayed your current level right away when you remove a pending request for a higher level on your profile so you don't need to refresh the page.
  • Prevented setting the same level twice or changing a level if you've reached the highest level.
  • Made the row height consistent in the Job Matches table.


  • Competencies on the associated job (or your current role) are suggested as goals for a plan.
  • Fixed the logo on Word exports so they automatically resize.
  • Fixed bug where jobs and groups could not be properly deleted.