Release notes: 2018-02-08

Expanded and upgraded libraries

In CompetencyCore 7.6, we’re revamping Libraries to support new types of system information. While you’re already familiar with competencies, we’re adding Responsibilities, Education, Certification, Experience, Knowledge Areas, Working Conditions, and Additional Information as library types.

To support this change, we’ve also made sure to evolve the current workflow for managing libraries. One of our most exciting new features is the ability create multiple items at once. If you paste a long list of items like responsibilities into CompetencyCore, they're all created with just one click. This makes inputting your organization's information quick and easy.

We’ve added a new page in Administration called “Library Types”. Here you can decide which types of libraries to use in Jobs, so you'll only have to fill out relevant information when building your organization's job descriptions.

We’ve also extended the scales functionality so scales can be assigned to Certification, Knowledge Areas, and Education. This allows you to specify a degree type, knowledge level, or certification level when you're building job descriptions.

Redesigned job descriptions

One of the most significant changes we’ve made in CompetencyCore 7.6 is that Job Profiles (now called Jobs) can be described using our new types of libraries.

We've restyled the way jobs are displayed to make room for this new content. There's a different icon for each type of library, so you can see all of the sections at a glance. Details like associated positions are in a separate spot to keep the job itself a clean and simple list of what's required.

Like libraries, job groups are now displayed in tiles. We've also added a live filter so they're easy to find.

Along with a new look, we’ve improved the workflow for building and managing jobs. Associating library items takes fewer clicks using a type-ahead search, and we've added functionality for moving jobs.

We've also added a page where you can customize the layout of jobs to suit your organization.

To learn more about the new changes in CompetencyCore 7.6, don't hesitate to contact one of our experts.