Manage job types

Learn how to tag job descriptions with job types for easy filtering

In this article:

About job types

Types are optional and are used to tag jobs. You can tag a job with more than one type such as “Technical” or “Managerial”. 

The Job Types table

Creating job types

  1. Click the gear icon on the top right of your screen to go to Administration.
  2. Architecture in the Administration menu and select Job Types.
  3. Click the plus icon on the top right of the table to add a new type.
  4. Click the type to add a name.
  5. Click and drag a type to reorder it in the list. This is just a flat list; one type isn’t more junior or more senior than another, so the order on this page does not affect jobs.
  6. Turn on the Enabled switch on the top right of the page.

Creating job types

Assigning types to jobs

Once you’ve created a list of types and turned on the Enabled switch, they’re ready to assign to job descriptions. You can select a type while editing a job description, or follow the steps below to assign or unassign types in bulk from the Jobs table.

  1. Navigate to Content > Jobs.
  2. Search for a job and click the 3-dot icon OR
  3. Select multiple jobs and click Assign.
  4. Select Type in the drop-down.
  5. Select types or select Unassign all.
  6. Click Save

Note: A job can be assigned to multiple job types.

Assigning job types