List of settings

Refer to a complete list of settings to configure your CompetencyCore site

In this article:


Time zone: Select a time zone (all dates and times will be converted).

Default country for new users: Select the default country for new users.

Default security profile: Select the default security profile assigned to new users.

Include job titles in org import: Specify a “Job Title” field when importing your organization.


Company name: Enter the name of your company for notifications, SSO logins, and manuals.

Company logo: Upload a JPG/PNG logo. Max size is 1.5MB and max width is 150px.

Site header background colour: Select a colour for the header of your CompetencyCore site. This colour is also used on the login page of your CompetencyCore site.

Site header foreground colour: Select a colour for the text and icons in the header.

Logout URL: Enter the URL users should be directed to after logout (include http:// before the URL). If this field is left blank, users are redirected to the CompetencyCore login page.

Company logo URL: Enter the URL that opens when you click the company logo (include http:// before the URL).

Company logo URL – new tab: Opens the company logo URL in a new tab.

Report logo: Upload a JPG/PNG logo. Max file size is 1.5 MB. Horizontally oriented logos fit better. The background should not be transparent if you’re printing in Microsoft Word.

Use report logo in job exports: Include the report logo in all job description exports. If disabled, no logo will display.

Logo placement in job exports: Specify where the logo should display at the top of each of page of job description exports.

Site Administrator: Enter the name and email address of the Site Administrator. Users are instructed to contact this person if they have questions or complaints about our privacy statement.


Replace WYSIWYG editor: Replace the WYSIWYG editor with a text box.

Enable tags: Use tags to identify library items.


Homepage display: Select what to display as the homepage for users.

Category for homepage content: Select the content category to use for the homepage.

Homepage content: Select a document to display on the homepage from the content category selected above.


Available languages: Select languages to make available in the site.

Default language: Select the default language. Users can select a different language in their settings.


Email notifications: Receive notifications by email. This setting does not overwrite the “Imported accounts notification” setting and has no effect on password reset emails.

Automated reminder interval: Enter the frequency (in days) for reminders sent to users about plans and surveys.

Imported accounts notification: Send automated emails to users when their accounts are imported (user import, not org import).

Deleted participants notification: Notify participants who haven’t completed an assessment that their participation isn’t required.


Set passwords: Allows the system administrator to set user passwords.

Session expiry time (in minutes): Enter the session expiry time for users. If the value is set to 0, the expiry time defaults to seven days.


License File: Enter the license file.


Library scale clone: Clone a library’s scale when a library is cloned (it can be modified).

Library configuration clone: Clone a library’s configuration when a library is cloned. Enabling this setting isn’t recommended because neither configuration can be modified.


Silent update: Automatically update all jobs when changes are made to library items. Turning this setting on removes the option to use version control.

Additional survey stage: Require an additional level of approval on validation surveys. The Reviewer sends the survey to the Approver who updates the job description with the survey results.

SOC code URL: Enter the path of SOC code links. The actual SOC code will replace the substitution token when a user clicks the link in the job.

NOC code URL: Enter the path of NOC code links. The actual NOC code will replace the substitution token when a user clicks the link in the job.

Access AI competencies: Add AI suggested competencies to jobs.

AI identification of library items: Allow the AI to identify library items in job sentences.

Category for legal disclaimer in job exports: Select the content category for the legal disclaimer displayed in Word and PDF job exports.

Legal disclaimer in job exports: Select the legal disclaimer document to display on Word and PDF job exports.

Employee sign-off: Request employees to acknowledge their job description when a job is published or updated.

Due date: The number of days in this setting is added to the date sign-off was requested to determine a due date.

Category for legal disclaimer: Select the content category for the legal disclaimer.

Legal disclaimer: Select the document for the legal disclaimer to display to employees signing off on their job description.


Category for content documents: Select the content category to make available for assessment assemblies.

Category for dispatch emails: Select the content category for assessment dispatch emails.

Self-assessor dispatch email: Select the document for the email dispatching self-assessments. The “Category for dispatch emails” setting above specifies what category you can select the document from.

Peer dispatch email: Select the document for the dispatch email sent to peers. The “Category for dispatch emails” setting above specifies what category you can select the document from.

Report dispatch email: Select the document for the dispatch email sent to users performing an assessment on their manager. The “Category for dispatch emails” setting above specifies what category you can select the document from.

Manager dispatch email: Select the document for the dispatch email sent to users performing an assessment on their reports. The “Category for dispatch emails” setting above specifies what category you can select the document from.

Other dispatch email: Select the document for the dispatch email sent to someone who’s not a peer, report, or manager. The “Category for dispatch emails” setting above specifies what category you can select the document from.

Report email: Select the email for the document sent to participants with a link to generate the assessment report.

Language options page: Display language options at the start of every assessment.

Question languages: Display the question in the user’s default language and repeat the question in the selected languages.

Assessment report view mode: Select the view mode for assessment reports.

Resource types: Select resource types to display for competencies for development in assessment reports.

Select resource types on assessment: Select resource types when you create each assessment instead of applying your selection in Settings to all assessment reports.

Number of learning resources: Enter the maximum number of learning resources per competency in assessment reports. CompetencyCore randomly selects this number of resources from the types specified in the “Learning resource types” setting.

Number of strengths: Enter the maximum number of strengths in assessment reports.

Number of competencies for development: Enter the maximum number of competencies for development to display in assessment reports and to offer to users self-creating plans based on assessment results.

Colour of self-ratings: Select the colour of the subjects’ own ratings in assessment reports.

Colour of peer ratings: Select the colour of the peer ratings in assessment reports.

Colour of report ratings: Select the colour of the report ratings in assessment reports.

Colour of manager ratings: Select the colour of the manager ratings in assessment reports.

Colour of other participant ratings: Select the colour of ratings of others in assessment reports.

Colour of target and ratings at target: Select the colour of targets or ratings at targets in assessment reports.

Colour of ratings above target: Select the colour of ratings above target in assessment reports.

Colour of ratings below target: Select the colour of ratings below target in assessment reports.

Colour of label font: Select the colour of the bar chart text for participant group labels.

Update assessment questions: Update assessment questions copied from competencies automatically when changes are made to a competency’s notions or behavioural indicators.


Category for guide content: Select the content category to use for interview guides.

Number of questions: Enter the maximum number of questions to be displayed per page per competency. A setting higher than 3 is not recommended.

Learning Resources

Hide learning resources: Hide resources associated to uninstalled languages on the Manage Learning Resources page.

Order learning resources: Order resources displayed in “Manage Learning Resources” and on assessment reports.


Create development plans from an assessment: Allow an assessment subject to create a development plan immediately after completing an assessment from the “Assessment Complete” page.

Create performance plans from an assessment: Allow an assessment subject to create a performance plan immediately after completing an assessment from the “Assessment Complete” page.

Auto-create position: Auto-create a position for users who create a plan if they’re not already assigned to one.

Category for dispatch emails: Select the content category to use for plans dispatch emails.

Subject dispatch email: Select the document for the dispatch email sent to subjects of a plan. The “Category for dispatch emails” setting above specifies what category you can select the document from.

Manager dispatch email: Select the document for the dispatch email sent to managers. The “Category for dispatch emails” setting above specifies what category you can select the document from.

Plan notifications: Select when to send notification emails.

Private comments: Allow private comments that are only visible to the author.

Unlimited comment editing: Allow participants to edit their plan and goal comments indefinitely (otherwise there’s a one-hour time-limit).

Plan report cover page: Enter the maximum number of fields that can be selected to appear on the plan’s cover page.

Development plan types: Select the plan types to make available for self-created development plans or plans created for direct reports in the My Team module.

Performance plan types: Select the plan types to make available for self-created performance plans.

Include peers and reports on development plans: Allow peers and reports to be added as participants to development plans.

Include peers and reports on performance plans: Allow peers and reports to be added as participants to performance plans.

Modify cycle: Allow users to modify cycle access. If this setting is turned off, users can still modify the due date for each stage.

Competency Profiler

Minimum competency default: Select the default minimum number of competencies participants select in a profiling survey.

Maximum competency default: Select the default maximum number of competencies participants select in a profiling survey.

Category for profiling survey emails: Select the content category to use for profiling surveys.

Contributor dispatch email: Select the document for the dispatch email sent to contributors. The “Category for profiling survey emails” setting above specifies what category you can select the document from.

Reviewer dispatch email: Select the document for the dispatch email sent to reviewers. The “Category for profiling survey emails” setting above specifies what category you can select the document from.

Deleted participant email: Select the document for the email notifying participants who have been deleted from a survey. The “Category for profiling survey emails” setting above specifies what category you can select the document from.

Reset participant email: Select the document for the email notifying participants being reinvited to complete the survey. The “Category for profiling survey emails” setting above specifies what category you can select the document from.

Report email: Select the document for the email sent to participants after the profiling survey is completed with the attached report.


Set current role: Allow users to set or change their current role.

Search roles by: Select which source to populate a user’s search for their current role.


Minimum match %: Set the minimum match percentage required for employees to be included on the bench.