How do I add a user to a job?

Learn how to manually associate a user's position to a job

Option 1. Create a new position

  1. Click the gear icon on the top right of your screen.
  2. Expand Organization in the Administration menu and click Users.
  3. Click Add and select New Position.
  4. Click +Add on the right side of the Job section.
  5. Search or browse for a published job to associate to this position.
  6. Click Assign User. Search for and select the user in the dropdown.

Note: Only enabled users appear. To associate the position to a disabled user, click Cancel. Then click I’m Done and follow the steps below in Option 2.

Option 2. Associate an existing position to a job

  1. Click the gear icon on the top right of your screen.
  2. Expand Organization in the Administration menu and click Users.
  3. Click the name of a user to open the User Details page.
  4. Click the Position tab.
  5. Click the Edit Position button.
  6. Click +Add on the right side of the Job section.
  7. Search or browse for a published job to associate to this position. 

Associating a job description to a user's position