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How-to video: Manage succession

Take a tour of the Succession page that helps you make strategic decisions based on user-to-job matching data


When making future plans, it’s important to have concrete information and mechanisms to guide your decision-making. The Succession page in CompetencyCore presents a top-down view of data from jobs and employee profiles. In this video, we’ll show you how to navigate these statistics to support HR management. 

To get started, navigate to Succession under Organization in the main menu. On the main page, you’ll see a list of published jobs with employee data, including how many employees are performing this role and how well they match their job requirements. You can filter this information and export to Excel.

Click a job title for more detail. You can see a breakdown of how closely incumbents meet requirements by library type, how many positions associated to this job are vacant, and how many employees are potentially qualified to fill those positions. These employees are on what we call the bench, which we’ll come back to discuss in just a moment.

The next set of data is all about career paths. You can see the total number of all career paths created by users in the organization. You can also see how many of that total include this job. And at the bottom of the page, similar jobs are listed.

So, back to bench strength. What is it and how does it help you? Bench strength indicates how easily a role can be filled internally; it’s a tool for managing talent. We’ll check out the Employee data to understand how CompetencyCore makes this calculation.

Let’s say we have a Web Content Specialist job and the current incumbent is leaving their position. There are two other employees who meet at least 60% of the job requirements, so they’re listed on the bench: Justin, a Graphic Designer, and Laura, a Content Writer.

The first step to calculating bench strength is to see how likely these bench employees are to fill the position. To do that, we take a look at how many other jobs they match in the organization. Justin is a match for 4 jobs at or above 60%. Laura is a match for only two. We divide the number of jobs they match into 1 and then add those values together: 1/4 + 1/2 = 0.75.

The next step is to look at how many positions are associated to this job. The more positions, the harder it will be to fill them. In this case, there is only one. So we divide 0.75 by 1 and end up with a bench strength of 0.75, which is pretty good. If this job had two positions, our bench strength would have been cut in half. A score around 1 means you can easily fill a role, while a score closer to 0.5 means this could present more of a challenge.

And that’s how it works. The more jobs a potential employee matches in the organization and the more positions there are to fill, the lower the bench strength will be. You can also lower the minimum match percentage to see more employees.

From the bench, add potential candidates to fill a role. In addition to match percentage, you can also see if an employee has expressed interest by including the job in their career path. With Insights, you’ll never lose sight of the areas to strengthen and the new opportunities available to employees within your organization.