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How-to video: Add AI suggestions

Watch a tutorial on adding AI-suggested competencies, responsibilities, and knowledge to job descriptions


CompetencyCore’s AI tool helps you build better job descriptions faster. In this video, we’ll show you how to add from our suggested responsibilities, knowledge, and competencies, so your job description is ready to go in no time.

Let’s start with a job we’ve already created. When you’re editing a job, you’ll have access to a list of suggested responsibilities from up to three jobs that best match the job title. If you don’t see this option, contact your Customer Success Manager to learn more. You can easily tweak the suggestions you’ve added to better suit your organization. For responsibilities, you can also add section headers to keep the list organized.

Repeat these same steps for knowledge. Just like with responsibilities, suggestions are based on the job title, and you can quickly add knowledge statements that apply to the job you’re editing.

Now we’re ready to add competencies. Competencies add value to job descriptions. You can use competencies to interview candidates and evaluate employees. They also provide a clear understanding of the behaviours expected on a job. Selecting competencies and proficiency levels for each job in your organization is time-consuming, but our AI tool makes it fast and easy.

Our AI tool analyzes the job summary and responsibilities on a job to suggest the best matches from HRSG’s competencies. The more accurate and detailed your summary and responsibilities, the better your results will be.

Implementing competencies in your organization doesn’t need to be overwhelming. With AI suggestions as your guide, you can feel confident and in control of the competency selection process. And the ability to add, organize, and edit knowledge and responsibilities directly on a job without ever opening Libraries saves plenty of time when you’re building job descriptions.